Data collection tools: what are they?

Agriculture, construction, logistics, energy, hygiene, security... The reliable collection of data on the move constitutes the daily challenge of many companies. This may include, for example:
  • A value reading carried out on an electrical installation
  • An intervention sheet for a company client
  • A score sheet as part of a technical round
  • Entering the mileage of vehicles in a company fleet
  • An inventory of stocks on a relocated site
Collecte de données

Application mobile de relevés
Very often, paper remains the format favored by field workers, out of convenience or simple habit. However, it leads to a loss of overall efficiency for the organization.
The data collected manually is then subject to new digital entry. This additional task is essential to integrate the data into the company's business software or Facility Management software.

However, it is possible to spare your teams this laborious work to make them more productive. Quantitative data collection tools facilitate digital capture on the move on site. Your value statements and inventories are integrated directly into your computer database.

Data collection application:
save time in the field

Software specialized in facility management has already taken over many professional sectors. 40% of workers active in the maintenance sector are technicians and their field surveys are essential to the operation of many industries (automobile, petrochemicals, metallurgy, agri-food, etc.).
The reporting of this information must be easy, precise and rapid. Do you want to limit the risks of stopping your business activities? Acquiring good technical patrol software is essential. It will allow you to deal with anomalies more quickly, advance your teams and gain a new competitive advantage.
Ronde technique


Data collection tools today offer a simple and scalable interface for all field professionals. However, what is the best ERP or the best CMMS in Facility Management today? What added value does a technical round application offer for your stakeholders? Below are the essential things to remember.

Capture, collect, transmit data:
the key to a maintenance strategy

The quality of a commercial or industrial maintenance strategy depends largely on the good reporting of information collected in the field. During their technical rounds, operators collect vital information. They are often essential to the proper functioning of equipment, services and infrastructure.
Some observations require an immediate response. Others seem, at first glance, more innocuous. However, it is important to pass them on to the competent people.

This is why good CMMS (Computer Aided Maintenance Management) software will always include a module dedicated to the collection and entry of field data. The latter will meet a simple objective: to facilitate the integration of observations during scheduled operator inspections.
Relevés terrain
Data collection software will be able to record, classify and then export information of a varied nature. Depending on the sector of activity of the company, this could for example be:
  • Value readings: temperature, pressure, level, duration, etc.
  • Conditions: slippery surface, crack, lowering, mold, etc.
  • Geographic coordinates, by GPS reading or via an NFS chip.

The IoT (Internet of Things) is the crux of the matter for service companies and manufacturers. Interconnected objects capture, transmit, then analyze live information flows.
A good ERP facility management software (Enterprise Resource Planning) must be able to adapt to these new uses of data capture. The function of this Integrated Management Software is to optimize the production chain by automating certain processes. The transmission of field surveys is part of this.

Why use data collection software?

A field survey application complements the basic functionalities of Facility Management (FM) software. The integration of this type of tool into your workflow is an important source of productivity and efficiency for all employees:

Logiciel de collecte

Technical patrol software alleviates or eliminates the need for manual data entry. This implies a reduction in the risks linked to human error, but also a significant gain in productivity.
Facility Management

A reading application coupled with FM software allows you to optimize your operating costs. The elimination of any manual entry guarantees consistency and immediate integration of all relevant data. You have a complete and up-to-date overview of the company's stocks, equipment or vehicles.
Déclaration d'incidents

This field survey software can also include an incident reporting application. This implies faster diagnosis in the event of a breakdown and optimized intervention times. The anomaly is notified in real time to the technician in charge of maintenance.

Instantaneous digitization of field data guarantees the regulatory compliance of your activity. It facilitates the control work carried out by your team managers or by an external auditor.

Good to know: Manual entry is a source of inefficiency.

According to a study by Zapier, company employees spend, on average, one to three hours per day entering data. The error rate for manual entry is estimated at 1%. In other words, one out of 100 pieces of data entered turns out to be incorrect.

Improve your field surveys with dedicated software

To facilitate the reporting of field surveys, good technical survey software is essential.
Its advantages are undeniable:

Deal more quickly with anomalies observed in the field. Some of them are likely to cause disastrous human and financial consequences if they are not taken into consideration in time. Fire, fall, explosion, electrocution, irradiation: the risks incurred by maintenance technicians are protean. To avoid any accidents, you must adopt a proactive maintenance strategy. The acquisition of field survey software will necessarily be part of this.
Ensure the involvement of technical teams by integrating them into change management. Regardless of the function: the effectiveness of a worker depends on their ability to find meaning in their mission. For the operator, a report of anomalies leading to concrete corrective action is rewarding.
Improve communication between employees. The most effective companies are often those that value teamwork. The proper reporting of field information to executives, managers or engineers contributes to this process.

Good to know: Why opt for modular technical roundabout software?

Many CMMS/ERP software are present on the market. Many are based on old computer architecture. Modular software, made up of several layers of functions, offers greater security, ergonomics, but also customization possibilities.

What is the best
field data collection application?

Many software solutions are now available on the market for companies wishing to streamline their field data collection. Most integrated management software packages, such as BlueKanGo or SAP, include a specific module for this task. However, recording values ​​is not the specialty of these fairly heavy and complex tools.

Our choice is Leaneo. Accessible on a web browser, tablet or smartphone, the software is characterized by a particularly user-friendly interface. Its various modules allow complete digitalization of the company's operation, maintenance and security process. The solution includes:
  • The creation of personalized forms and workflows, adaptable to all sectors
  • Preconfigured modules for field surveys, but also for records, the prevention plan and even access management
  • Simplified entry of field data in the form of values, states or photos
  • Features accessible both online and offline, to work peacefully in all environments
  • Support for GPS data and RFID chips for automatic location of readings
  • A scalable and customizable structure according to your business constraints
  • An Agile mode support service provided by the publisher for all users

Améliorer les relevés

The Leaneo software suite is fully in line with this logic of optimizing technical processes dear to manufacturers and service companies. It is structured around different modules, to be used jointly for a global workflow or separately.

The Leaneo Statement module has undeniable advantages. It meets clearly defined needs:

  • Entering values: data is structured as soon as it is entered to facilitate audits.
  • Guaranteed passage: essential for the safety of technicians.
  • Inventory and stock management: Excel export, user-friendly, reliable entry.
  • Troubleshooting assistance: implementation of a troubleshooting tool, business expertise.
  • The digitalization of forms: accident, incident or safety declaration form.
  • Use of information collected during inspections, rounds and visits.

From this software suite, information is reported in real time to competent people, to a member of management or to an external service provider for example. Observations are transmitted, with or without an internet connection. Computer or SMS alerts can be generated based on parameters defined by the company.

Leaneo offers operators the opportunity to enter, in an instinctive and structured way, their observations using a neat graphical interface. Input is done from a computer, a tablet or a simple smartphone screen. The software has an integrated graphics editor, ideal for customizing the working environment. It allows, in particular, to report an anomaly using an annotated photo.


Field professionals are often faced with a tight schedule and a heavy workload. Make their daily lives easier and unlock their potential with field survey software! The solution developed by Leaneo can be the subject of a personalized test, free of charge and without obligation.

The 3 key points to remember:
  • A company's competitiveness depends on its ability to anticipate technical problems and then provide concrete responses to them.
  • The collection and entry of field data play, in this respect, a fundamental role. They allow operators to notify the management of an anomaly in real time.
  • The Leaneo modular software suite meets industrial requirements in terms of maintenance, logging, inventory tracking, diagnostics and regulatory compliance.

Améliorer les relevés

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